Nephro am See was founded by two physicians with many years of experience: Nephrologist and Internist Dr. med. Jan Brügger (Head Physician) and Dr. med. dent. Lea Brügger (Managing Director).
They founded Paramecium AG in 2019 with the aim of establishing a centre for kidney treatment and dialysis in the Horgen region, close to Zurich.
«Our focus is always on the patients. We guarantee maximum safety and provide the highest quality medical services. We believe in appreciative and respectful treatment - not only of our patients but also within our team. Our employees distinguish themselves through their empathy and many years of experience.»
Dr. med. dent. Lea Brügger
Managing director

Dr. med. dent. Lea Brügger
Managing director
Team of doctors
Dr. med. Jan Brügger
Head Physician, FMH Nephrology and General Internal Medicine
Dr. med. Petra Rhyn
Nephrology and General Internal Medicine FMH
Dr. med. Andrea Viecelli
Associate Professor (Australia), Nephrologie FRACP (AUS), Allgemeine Innere Medizin, PhD
PD Dr. med. Thomas Müller
Associate Professor (Canada), Facharzt Nephrologie, Innere Medizin und Internistische Intensivmedizin (D)

Dr. med. Jan Brügger
Head Physician, FMH Nephrology and General Internal Medicine
My focus is always on patient well-being. Many years of clinical experience in large national and international centres - as well as collaboration on research projects in nephrology and infectiology - ensures that a broad range of knowledge is applied for your benefit. I display a great deal of empathy, a sharp eye, and an ear especially for details. Nephrology is similar to detective work – one must really get to the bottom of the disease. Our team provides you with comprehensive care around the clock.

Dr. med. Petra Rhyn
Nephrology and General Internal Medicine FMH
Im Blick auf das kontinuierliche Wachstum ergänzt Nephro am See, das Kompetenzzentrum für Nierenerkrankungen in Horgen am linken Züriseeufer, die ärztliche Leitung auf den August 2022. Frau Dr. med. Petra Rhyn, Fachärztin für Nephrologie und Allgemeine Innere Medizin praktiziert seit rund zwanzig Jahren in der Region Zürich, davon elf Jahre als Leitende Ärztin im Nieren- und Dialysezentrum Männedorf.
Wir freuen uns sehr über die kompetente Verstärkung und die Vernetzung beider Seeufer. Wir heissen Frau Rhyn bereits jetzt herzlich bei Nephro am See willkommen.

Dr. med. Andrea Viecelli
Associate Professor (Australia), Nephrologie FRACP (AUS), Allgemeine Innere Medizin, PhD

PD Dr. med. Thomas Müller
Associate Professor (Canada), Facharzt Nephrologie, Innere Medizin und Internistische Intensivmedizin (D)
Medical Practice Team
Eva Elsener
Human Resources and administration
Florian Kessler
Accounting and administration
Gina Buser
Medical practice assistant and Dialysis nurse
Michelle Tschinkel
Medical practice assistant
Tamara Aufdermauer
Medical practice assistant

Eva Elsener
Human Resources and administration

Florian Kessler
Accounting and administration

Gina Buser
Medical practice assistant and Dialysis nurse

Michelle Tschinkel
Medical practice assistant

Tamara Aufdermauer
Medical practice assistant
Dialysis team
Ralf Engler
Dialysis nurse and head of the nursing service
Christina Parli
Dialysis nurse
Yvonne von Rickenbach
Dialysis nurse
Mark Rectra
Dialysis nurse HF
Andrea Fäh
Dialysis nurse
Rita Ali Khan
Dialysis nurse HF
Sara Hegglin-Lisio
Assistant to the dialysis care team and medical practice assistant
Elaine Valdevieso
Assistant to the dialysis care team

Ralf Engler
Dialysis nurse and head of the nursing service

Christina Parli
Dialysis nurse

Yvonne von Rickenbach
Dialysis nurse

Mark Rectra
Dialysis nurse HF

Andrea Fäh
Dialysis nurse

Rita Ali Khan
Dialysis nurse HF

Sara Hegglin-Lisio
Assistant to the dialysis care team and medical practice assistant

Elaine Valdevieso
Assistant to the dialysis care team
Team of therapists
Arianne Zahnd
Nutritionist BsC
Irene Heinzer
Nutritionist BsC
Sandra Rhyner
Medical Qi Gong training and hypnosis therapy

Arianne Zahnd
Nutritionist BsC

Irene Heinzer
Nutritionist BsC

Sandra Rhyner
Medical Qi Gong training and hypnosis therapy
Talent wanted
We are looking for committed professionals to strengthen our team. We rely on personal initiative and offer a flat hierarchy. You can expect the latest infrastructure, a motivated team and attractive employment conditions.
JobsTalente gesucht
Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams suchen wir engagierte Fachleute. Wir setzen auf Eigeninitiative und flache Hierarchien. Es erwarten Sie eine Top-Infrastruktur, ein motiviertes Team und attraktive Anstellungsbedingungen.